26 Nov 2014

A New Rain Tank Designed By Leiyuan

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Archaeologists tell us that rain tanks and cisterns have been around since the bronze age. They are still a major part of urban infrastructure in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, India and the Caribbean. Despite their prime advantage of using stormwater as a resource rather than something to be disposed of, they are currently not much of a weapon in the world.

Part of the reason has been the lack of a design specification for rain tanks. Leiyuan, in partnership with several rainwater harvesting experts, has filled this gap, by releasing a rain tank design. This new specification is different in that it seeks to optimize the total amount of runoff reduction from the roof, through internal water use, outdoor irrigation and detention/release of rainwater into secondary runoff reduction practices. Leiyuan provides more visuals on the new rain tank concept.

The Rain Tank Modules are assembled as 680 L*410 W*450Hmm crates and can be stacked (and connected) together to form structural underground tanks.Leiyuan Tank Modules are manufactured from 100% recycled plastics and are environmentally friendly.

The Rainwater Harvesting System offers a practical and cost effective solution for the underground storage and re-use of rainwater. This water can then be effectively reticulated for household purposes such as toilets, laundry, car washing, swimming pool and garden hosing. The system is supplied as a complete package including a submersible pump and utilises the Davey Rainbank, that senses when the tank is near empty and automatically switches the flow of water from tank to mains supply. This can provide potential water saving benefits of up to 40%. The Rainwater Harvesting System is the most cost-effective method of installing an underground rainwater tank replacing the need for unsightly above ground tanks that take up valuable land area.

The system is available as a stock item in ready to order sizes ranging from 2500 litres to 20000 litres in capacity. Larger sized tanks can be supplied on request and above ground pumps may also be incorporated as an option. Leiyuan Rainawater Module tanks can be supplied to specific dimensions to suit individual site requirements and can be installed under trafficable areas such as driveways allowing greater use of land area and design flexibility.


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