07 Oct 2015

Leiyuan New Online Mud Management Product – Plastic Paddock Grid

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Do you know that what problem is all equestrian facilities and livestock owners must contend with? That is mud problem. Soil compaction from horse and livestock traffic cause water drainage ability become very poor. Then water tends to pool in low lying areas and puddles once it rained. When mud is combined with organic manure, it will stay hydrated for a long time, and further stomping and chopping by hard hooves and you will soon have a serious and ongoing mud problem. Mud is distressing because it makes every creates a very unhealthy environment for both horse and owner.

But don’t worry, now leiyuan has design a plastic grid paddock mats which can solves your mud management problems forever by improving water drainage and preventing soil compaction.

We made a revision on interlocking part after studied the European Standard design, which is able to interlock tightly and ensure the interlocking parts no broken during horses running.

Our mud paddock mats can permanently separates the top layer gravel or sand from the sub-base, making it virtually maintenance free. You don’t need to replace stone and gravely regularly any more.
Paddock grid is incredibly tough and durable, it can withstand the most extreme climates from -40 to 120 degree, at the same time, it will withstand continual stomping and chopping by hard hooves.
Except to mud control, Plastic paddock grid is ideal for many equestrian and livestock applications. Such as riding arenas, paddocks, open stables, gateways, lunging arenas, ménage, round pens, turnouts, paddock approaches.


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