12 Nov 2015

Do You Know Horse’s Dream?

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Now I can run on the wind
My skin like a velvet shiver on the breeze
My hooves passing over the grass
In leaps too great to be measured
My mane tumbling like the boiling clouds
You will feel my breath
In the warmth of summer
You will hear my heart beat
In the sounds of the sky
Now I can run
In these great, wide rolling hills of time
I am truly free
Here in the spaces of your heart
~Nancy Bailey

How a wonderful horse poem! How a wonderful dream for horse! We believe all of studmaster lover their horse as well as their own children. And would like to creat the great home, great paddock for all the lovely babies.

Muddy paddock, heart horse hoof, smell livestock etc are the problems for all studmaster. How to solve it? Leiyuan Industrial Co., Ltd promote the newest mud paddock mats offer solutions. Let’s see the advantage of LEIYUAN Comfort Hoof Care Paddock Flooring Mud Control Ridding Arenas Grids first:

Paddock Grids
No mud
Equal load on all joints
The tread layer remains separate from the substructure
Minimal maintenance
Stable Paddock Grids
High degree of elasticityPaddock Mats
Load capacity of up to 250tons/m2
Outstanding drainage
More than 200 elastic elements per m2
Quick and easy to install
Environmentally friendly
Minimal hoof impact marks
Patented safety locking system
Permanent drainage
Robust surface with good grip
All-weather areas, the ideal surface all year round
Open stables keep free from mud and puddles.

Are you interested in reconstruction your farm for your baby horse? For more information, welcome contact us.


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