02 Jul 2016

How does Leiyuan Rainwater Harvesting Module Work?

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Rainwater Harvesting Module, Soakaway Crates, Storm Cells, Soakaway Modules, Storm Crates all names for the same thing, they describe an interlocking crate system that has high strength and high void ratio: for Aquavoid Eco >95% . Leiyuan Industrial Company Limited is a professional manufacturer of soakaway crates for more than 10 years in China. Our products allow surface water to be stored in one location and released back to the ground gradually, usually a bit at a time, at a pace the ground can handle, rather than in one sudden deluge, as happens during a storm or downpour. In effect, the transfer of water from the surface to the ground is is slowed down and stretched out over a longer period.

If you dump 1,000 liters of water onto a patch of ground in one go, unless you’re on sand or gravel, it’s unlikely the ground will be able to absorb all that water instantly: Plastic Rainwater Collection Modular work by taking all the water as fast as it’s delivered, returning what it can to the ground as quickly as possible, but storing the surplus until the ground is ready and able to absorb it.

Rainwater harvesting soakaway crates are specially manufactured, modular cells that provide lots of space (void space, as it’s termed) within a lightweight structure that is capable of supporting quite significant loads when buried. Some modules can be placed beneath pavements and are strong enough to carry both foot and low-speed vehicular traffic.

Used as a soakaway the rainwater collected through pipes from the roof and/or road can be slowly infiltrated into the soil. By infiltrating relatively clean water into the soil, the drainage system is relieved and drying out of the sub-surface can be prevented. Infiltration of rainwater is part of sustainable construction as advocated by the UK Government.

Advantages of the Leiyuan Soakaway crate system

  1. High Bearing Capacity, sufficient
  2. Large Storage Capacity, 95% voids
  3. Economic to install & maintain
  4. Suitable for high and low groundwater situations

For more details about Leiyuan soakaway crates, please visit https://www.greening-solution.com/rainwater-harvesting-tanks/


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