Methods About How to Protect Your Rainwater Tank with Painted Bed Sheets

OCT 10, 2014-Australia-Rainwater collection dates back at least 3,000 years, and is still used in many remote areas worldwide. In South Australia, for example, more than 50 percent of homes rely on rainwater for some or all of their water needs. Throughout Australia, 16 percent of households use rainwater tanks, with 13 percent of households.. read more →

Customers’ voice to Leiyuan Company

I like my business cooperation with Leiyuan Company, although we came across some problems. They gave their ideas and explain in details, which help me a lot and more than what I expected. What we need is not only the products, but also after-sale service, such as the instruction. They are the very good business.. read more →

Functions of Polluted Rainwater Abandoned Device On The Rainwater Tanks

OCT 9, 2014-China-At ordinary times when there is no rain, the roof of your house will cover more dust, sands or the leaves. At the beginning stage of the rain, the rain water pollution is very high and this sort of rainwater should be generally discharged and then the rainwater collection by the rainwater tanks.. read more →

Leiyuan Industrial Launches Rainwater Harvesting E-commerce Website

OCT 9, 2014-China-Leiyuan Industrial Co., Ltd has launched a new website offering a complete range of rainwater harvesting systems and products. According to Principal, Jack Burden, Leiyuan Industrial Co., Ltd provides a complete range of residential & commercial rainwater harvesting products. The company offers packaged solutions directly to green build developers, builders and homeowners. They.. read more →

High quality rainwater storage module from China Leiyuan Industrial

OCT 9, 2014-China-The rain water storage module from Leiyuan Industrial Co., Ltd ( could be regarded as one kind of product which has the comprehensive consideration of rainwater runoff, pollution control, urban flood control as well as the improvement of ecological environment. The set up for the relate system such as roofing rainwater collection storage.. read more →

Features of Rainwater Tank Module

Leiyuan Rainwater Tank Modules are suited to any subsurface infiltration, retention or detention Stormwater applications. Manufactured using recycled materials, the Tank Modules are lightweight, engineered design, structural component developed through research & development. It is ideally used for the construction of underground Infiltration, Reuse, Detention Tanks, Grass Swale, Subsurface interception channels, Septic Leach Drains and light.. read more →

What is Rainwater Harvesting?

Water is a valuable resource and rainwater harvesting plays an important role in sustainable development. Because of this, Leiyuan’s rainwater harvesting systems are increasingly included in the standard specification of new buildings. Rainwater harvesting is a beautifully simple concept: collect the rainwater that falls on your roof, store it on site, filter and re-use it.. read more →

Popular Tips on Saving Water

There’s nothing more satisfying than knowing you have saved a fortune on a rainy day; Rainwater is free, pure, soft and plants love it; Replace power showers with aerated ones; Mulch your bare soil areas to slow down evaporation; Power shower uses more water than a deep bath; Wait until the dishwasher is full before.. read more →

Newest Products Introduction & Welcome You to Visit Our Booth

Dear Friends We’re very glad to inform you that all of the exhibitions materials are prepared well and delivered to Dubai for attending 2014 BIG5 Fair. Now, we’re going to introduce the newest products which will be displayed on the fair-Carved Bricks— The brick-carving products and realized the industrialized production of the carved brick via.. read more →

Why Harvest Rainwater?

The earth is known as the Blue Planet for a reason, it’s no surprise that water is a dominant part of our everyday lives. The worlds current challenge is to improve the planet’s water quality and then maintain clean and healthy water that supports all life forms in our diverse environment. Harvesting rainwater is a.. read more →


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