Grass Grid FAQ

1. What is the difference between plastic grass grid and cement grass grid?
Plastic Grass Grid: 1. high pressure strength, stable, 2. easy and fast installation, no sink, 3. greening percentage is 90%, water keeping, no acid and alkali, plant grows well. 4. can be recycled.
Cement Grass Grid: 1. low pressure strength, easy broken. 2. slow installation, easy sink. 3. cement absorb water, alkali of cement is not good for plant, root rot. 4. no recycle
2. What is the greening percentage by using plastic grass grid.
3. How to choose Plastic Grass Grid?
Please contact the sales and tell them what place do you want to use, and what pressure strength is needed. We have different types for different usage.
4. What is the paving method of Plastic Grass Grid?
The density of the soil layer should be compacted at lease 85%.
The thickness of the compacted gravel layer should be about 350mm. spread out and make it flat, laminate until it become densely.
Pave 70mm thickness small gravel (20%soil, 20%sand mixed with 60% small gravel) as leveling layer.
Pave grass grids, you can also cut the grass grid into suitable shape by saw, leave a little millimeter between the grids.
After paving grass grids, if need, you can use the fixed nails to further strengthen the grass grids.
If plant with grass seed, Load grass grids with planting soil, leave one centimeter, sow grass seeds and then sprinkle a thin layer of soil.
If paving with turf, first full-filled the grass grid with planting soil, use scraping straightedge to make the surface flat. When paving the turf, leaving about 2cm gap stagger the pavement. Watering until floating slurry, with a small roller or plate vibration machine to suppress turf into grass grid repeatedly.
Parking spaces can use the marble strips or others sectors to mark parking spaces, also can use eye-catching hat tag, embedded in the cellular grid as separator for parking
The lawn needs to build four to six times a year, and should timely removal of weed, fertilization. In the hot dry season, should be watering regularly or install automatic watering equipment to make the necessary conservation and management.