25 Feb 2016

Manage Stormwater by Using Rainwater Harvesting Module

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Rainwater harvesting module from Leiyuan Industrial Company Limited is designed with strong plastic modular construction with post-consumer and recycled materials. This kind of new rainwater harvesting tank can provide and more efficient, at-source rainwater collection for retention, detention and infiltration solutions. It is ideal for managing rain water from roofs and impermeable surfaces including driveways, playgrounds and parking areas and so on.

The plastic tank modules are designed to allow sub-surface storm water infiltration or detention. Water captured by the system can also be used for irrigation and other non-potable purposes. Compared to the smaller competitor products on the market, the large interlocking rainwater tank modules from Leiyuan can produce greater stability once positioned in sane situation. They are particularly effective for use under parking lots and driveways.

Stormwater storage tanks are not only available on varying load-bearing capacities and are suitable for individual houses, but also suitable for large commercial and industrial projects. By using additional proprietary “stabilizers”, load bearing capacity of rainwater harvesting system can be increased beyond this.

Rainwater tank modules are easy to install on site –just simply clip the strong lightweight interlocking panels together. We supply a firm interlocking & connected accessories and fix edging system that offers a guide to ensure continuous levels across surfaces as well as the ability to cut patterns and curves to surfaces. This kind of quick easy installation reduces assembly costs – costs that are easily incurred with competitor products. The units can be interlocked vertically once assembled, which ensures system stability even under high traffic areas.

Once installed, rainwater harvesting modules can accommodate the insertion of a 90mm flushing pipe at the base of the system.


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