04 Feb 2015

Plastic Grass Grid From Leiyuan Allow Light to Heavy Vehicular Traffic

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Plastic grass grid from Leiyuan company form a permeable pavement surface that allows light to heavy vehicle traffic over live turf. This system employs honeycomb cells not only allow grass roots to grow without compaction from surface loads, but also allow storm water to drain directly through to the substrate.  The grass grid is made of 100% recycled HDPE are rigid, interlocking, main size is 465x535x30/50mm, and have a compression strength of 98,770 psf. This permeable pavement surface is extremely low-impact on the environment. By allowing grass to grow over the driving surface, reducing erosion and pollution from storm water runoff, and eliminating the hot-spot caused by asphalt, Leiyuan manufactured plastic grass grid are an environmentally-friendly permeable pavement solution for many applications.  The grass grid are a honeycomb cell grass paver or porous pavement “best management practice” product that allows light to heavy vehicular traffic to drive over turf areas. It prevents compaction allowing healthy root growth. A tongue and groove latching system provides quick and secure connections between the paver sections. Most importantly, Grass grid from leiyuan company drastically reduce storm water runoff and the need for storm water inlets and piping.

Heavy Load and Fire Land Access:

There are two primary methods of grass treatment for “Fire Lane and Heavy Vehicular” access roads. The first method of planting is illustrated in the detail below. The sod or finished grass surface is above the paving grid work. The “second” method utilizes a seeded surface where there is a likelihood of more frequent vehicular traffic. Fire lanes are generally designated for emergency traffic only and therefore do not need the exposed (paver) surface found in the second method.

Light to Moderate Weight Applications:

The “Light to Moderate Weight” application can be used for pedestrian, golf cart and similar applications. If soils are questionable you can always use the “Heavy Load” grass treatment. Note that “sprinkler heads” can be placed through the bottom of the leiyuan manufactured plastic grass grid if conditions warrant their use.

Welcome to  visit our websitehttps://www.greening-solution.com/ for more information.


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