A Brief History of Green Building

In the 70s, 80s and 90s, the growing “green movement” responded to the perception that earth’s resources were being plundered, rather than respectfully utilised, and that the place we live in was being spoiled in the process.
Architects and builders began to realise their crucial role as providers of that most intimate environment: our homes, work places and public buildings.
In the noughties the initially self-conscious, slightly stodgy ‘green building’ style matured into a fine marriage of the hard and soft modernist styles. This style was to create an architectural language favouring natural materials, efficiently expressive design, and exciting new technologies such as green roofs and green walls.
In 1959, Auckland California Kaiser Center a six-storey building constructed a scenic sky garden. Green Art Architecture are considered “hybrid” of the wonderful work. After the success of the maturing technology, since 1959 Green roofs in the United States currently in Europe and other developed countries are presented in the ascendant trend.
Wall greening, its innovative concept and a new breakthrough in the traditional green space, will become a new trend in the future afforestation. It will fill the shortcomings of traditional flat green, improve the urban ecological, creating real green forest, people return to nature, and can be used in indoor and outdoor spaces, building walls, vertical landscaping plane etc. In short green vertical plane greater than the flat green space, green concept is that people in two-dimensional space to three-dimensional space from a leap.