25 Sep 2014

Rainwater Collecting Modulars from Leiyuan Company

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Rainwater Collecting Modulars are a sub surface system that can be constructed to hold any volume required. These systems are built out of modular plastic cubes similar to milk crates. They are stacked to the appropriate size then wrapped in a liner and covered with soil. This allows the storm water to be managed underground with zero-footprint that easily integrates into landscaping.

Modular cisterns are much more versatile than traditional rain tanks. This technology allows us to create load-bearing void space for underground water storage. Leiyuan Modules (boxes) are manufactured from recycled plastics. These modules are 95 percent void space and are strong enough for vehicle traffic and parking. Modular cisterns ship flat, not requiring cranes for installation. They are assembled on-site, saving thousands. Cisterns assembled from these tanks allow for hundreds of thousands of gallons of storage space, something traditional tanks simply can’t do. These cisterns can be assembled to best fit space and grade requirements and can be installed in as little as two feet of excavation.

Leiyuan Rainwater Collecting Module is designed with scientific structure and manufactured using recycled material. It is a lightweight structural component developed through years of research & development. Pressure strength per square meter is 25 tons. Plastic modular is ideal for the construction infiltration tanks, re-use tanks, sub surface channels and lightweight void spaces for rooftop gardens, parkland, parking lot, road ect. We are able to produce higher pressure strength products according to customers’ specification.

Contact us for pricing and to learn more about the benefits of underground water storage tanks to meet your water harvesting needs.


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