30 Mar 2016

Why Horse Paddock Footing Systems from Leiyuan are Special and Better?

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Having a horse-friendly, easy-to-care-for paddock for your horse is central to horse-keeping. The bonus for you is that having the perfect horse paddock will be better for your horse’s health, more chore-efficient for you, nicer for all to look at, and cleaner for the environment.

Horse paddock grid is your permanent, environmentally friendly paddock solution, and a permeable solution for muddy grounds. Paddock footing grid from Leiyuan Industrial Company is the newest equestrian footing and flooring grid system. The system is manufactured from a proprietary blend of 100% recycled plastic and it is able to withstand climate extremes from-40 to 120 degree Celsius while remaining flexible.

Why horse paddock footing systems from Leiyuan are special and better?

After studied the European Standard design, we made a revision on interlocking part, which is able to interlock tightly and ensure the interlocking parts no broken during horses running. The 9 individual sections of our horse paddock footing are pre-assembled in the factory to form easy-to-install units. This means that you can lay an area of 1 m² in one go.

Horse stall grid flooring can be widely apply in indoor or outdoor arenas, round pens, paddocks, turnouts, barn aisle ways, washing areas, driveways, parking areas, grass or gravel areas, ramp or slope soil stabilization, terra forming or landscaping, and grass protection against traffic damage.


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